
Dr. Waminal bags 1st best paper during 1st BASC national R&D online conference

Dr. Yancy O. Waminal, assistant professor III and the assistant dean of the College of Agriculture and Forestry, won the 1st Best Paper award under the Agriculture, Fishery, Environment, and Industrial Category during the 1st Bulacan Agricultural State College (BASC) National Research and Development Conference with the theme, “Shaping the Future of Research and Development: Emerging from the Covid-19 Pandemic” held last April 8, 2021 via Zoom.

His paper titled, “Molecular Characterization and Association of Lactoferin Gene to Subclinical Mastitis in Goats (Capra hircus) is among the 14 research papers presented by the faculty-researchers from the different SUCs in the Philippines.

The judges and the participants in the conference agreed that Dr. Waminal’s research revealed potential knowledge that would benefit the goat production.

 The research paper is a collaboration with Dr. Gabriel Alexis SP. Tubalinal and Dr. Claro N. Mingala of the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC).

The said scientific research resulted to significant findings as it demonstrated that Lf gene in goats registered a molecular weight of 2135 and the nucleotide and amino acid sequence of Lf gene revealed high similarity (99%) in Saanen, Anglo-Nubian and Philippine Native Goats. Also, Dr. Waminal and his co-researchers documented the three genotypes in goats using the restriction enzymes AluI and HaeIII. The Lf gene will be submitted to NCBI/GenBank, and the paper is already on deck for publication through Acta scientiarum - Animal Science: A SCOPUS indexed Journal.

Furthermore, this study is a milestone and has a huge contribution in scientific research for goats, Capra hircus, making it the very first documented mRNA sequence of Lactoferrin gene in Philippine Native Goat as well as the very first documented mRNA sequence of Lactoferrin gene in Saanen and Anglo Nubian goat breeds under Philippine condition.

Dr. Waminal has been dedicating his whole academic career and expertise in the field of Animal Science. His previous scientific research entitled, “Evaluation of Low-cost Liquid Anionic Surfactant in Mastitis Detection for Smallhold Dairy Buffalo Farmers”, which was presented during the 2019 National Conference of Food Environment Engineering and Technology organized by the Philippine Association of Agriculturists (PAA) - Tamarind Chapter and Bataan Peninsula State University (BPSU) received the Best Paper award. (Mark Anthony L. Bagsit, CAF)